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Replace the contents of this new

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 7:19 am
by hasinam2206
You'll create two of them: /transcribe , which does the heavy lifting from a speech recognition perspective, and /respond , which passes the transcribed text to the chatgpt api and reads the response to the caller using an amazon polly text to speech neural text-to-speech voice. Click the add button and select add function from the drop-down list to create a new function, and name it /transcribe .

Twilio voice chatgpt feature addition demo 11-digit phone number format philippines replace the contents of the new function with this code snippet and click save . When you're done, your brand new function should look like this: twilio voice chatgpt function transcription demo now, create another function and call it /respond .function with this code snippet and click save again .


If you want a step-by-step explanation of exactly what's happening in these examples, check out the cli section of this article, where we walk through the code in detail. Next, click the deploy button . Your saved functions will be deployed and can now be used in your inbound phone number setup. Click the three vertical dots next to /transcribe , then click copy url .