Gifts and discounts have a lot of advantages, they allow you to quickly gain an audience. But along with the positive aspects, there are also negative ones, due to which they burden the project. Among such disadvantages:
decline in sales profits;
the need for additional time expenditures on production;
the risk of attracting a client without the prospect of further purchases.
For example, business owners can invest in gifts, after which the customer base will be filled with "cold", disinterested consumers. They can simply "fall for" a drawing of a new gadget or a serious italy business mailing list discount, and then "cool down".
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4 criteria for the right gift for a client
To increase the effectiveness of a gift to a client, it is important that the present:
Was helpful
If your client can use the gifted item daily or at least regularly, it will be in front of his eyes, this means that his return visit is guaranteed. Such a gift can be a bookmark, a set of stickers or a notebook with your symbols.
Wasn't too expensive
In practice, it has become known that the cost of a gift to a client should not exceed 10% of the purchase price. If you are planning to hold a motivational promotion in the online space, you can choose a more expensive prize so that the participants are more active.
Evoked pleasant emotions
It's great if your gift makes a person smile, for example, with a nice signature or text on a sticker. In this case, the chance to be remembered is much higher.
Reflected the essence of the company
It is great if the presented item has your symbol, individual style, which at least slightly echoes the type of activity. Otherwise, such a gift will not inspire trust, and will not bring any benefit to the business.
5 tips to help you choose the right gift for your client
It is not necessary to follow the beaten path and follow all the cliches and stereotypes. By acting in reverse, you can significantly increase the likelihood of responses from the client in the future.
5 tips to help you choose the right gift for your client
For the best effect, you can use the following “gift” ideas:
evoke contrasting impressions - upset and then delight and calm the client;
combine different elements - unhealthy sweets and fruits, healthy and emotional items, something funny and serious;
use original design to play up the item;
create an interesting introduction - it could be a parable, an aphorism, a story from life or a legend;
Be on trend and be interested in current information: news, events, natural disasters.
To make it easier to find ideas for what gifts to give to clients, you can brainstorm with your team, involve specialists from other companies, focus on the goal and start writing down your own thoughts. You shouldn't just focus on Russia and Russian-speaking countries, because often useful ideas can be found abroad.
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What gifts to clients are considered successful
A gift for regular or new customers is a rather peculiar thing that has its own tasks. The first of them is that it should not be thrown away. The second is that it is intended to please the owner, to be in demand in his everyday life. Such a souvenir will periodically flash in social networks and thus promote the brand on the Internet.
There are several simple recommendations that help to give gifts to clients in such a way that both sellers and buyers are satisfied, and the souvenir brings maximum benefit:
A souvenir may deviate from generally accepted norms . An example is a corporate calendar, in which the year begins not on January 1, but on the day the company was founded. Any month can be the first in it. This emphasizes the importance of the company for each employee in the most original way.
Positive hype is not something bad . If the company became a prize winner of a prestigious festival and received a vacation abroad as a reward, remind them of this with bright little things with symbols of vacation. Do not forget about humor.
The winning way is to play on people's emotions . Just imagine how happy men will be if they receive not only standard socks or shaving foam for February 23, but also a bottle of alcohol or a board game. Such gifts are quite highly valued, do not leave the memory for a long time and become a good gift option in the future.
The main criterion for a gift card is originality . If we consider modern congratulatory trends, laudatory speeches on cards are far from being a relevant format. Add a touch of humor to the standard text and design - the card can be turned into instructions for the main gift, the slogans and logo can be modified.
You shouldn't stop at just the colors that the company's design is made of. Often, when creating souvenirs and merch, designers use boring colors and shades. It would be much better to play on the contrast, create a unique series of gifts for a certain occasion, making the product inimitable.
It is important how exactly the gift will be presented. It is advisable to think through the presentation in advance, to refuse solemn and pompous speeches in favor of humor, and if the group is not very large, to give a word of thanks to everyone in response. Texts for gifts can be put on bright cards.