Every day more and more people are starting to create new businesses. However, the lack of funding is often a major obstacle to developing their projects. So we have decided to compile the best grants and subsidies for the creation of companies and entrepreneurs . We hope that they will be useful to you when it comes to launching your idea.
neuromarketing tipsGrants and subsidies for the creation of companies and entrepreneurs
We have grouped the grants into categories so that you can choose the one that best fits your profile. The most important categories are grants for self-employment, women, young people and the creation of innovative companies.
Aid and subsidies for unemployed people who australia telegram phone numbers to become self-employed
We started with this option because there are many people who consider entrepreneurship as a way to become self-employed.
There is a national self-employment assistance programme that in principle includes 4 types of aid. These aids are subject to modifications that each Autonomous Community deems appropriate.
1. Subsidy for establishing yourself as a self-employed worker (Up to a maximum of €10,000).
In this case, the amount will be determined by each Autonomous Community for those who belong to the following groups:
Unemployed in general.
Unemployed youth (up to 30 years old).
Unemployed women.
Unemployed people with disabilities.
Unemployed women with disabilities
Other conditions for these grants
2. Financial subsidy
The amount is equivalent to a reduction of up to 4 points of the interest rate set on the loan, with a maximum limit of €10,000. The loan must be used for investments in fixed assets (at least 75%).
The other 25% can be used to finance current assets . In any case, the entrepreneur must make an investment in fixed assets for an amount exceeding 5,000 euros .
3.Grant for technical assistance
The amount of this grant will be 75% of the cost of the services provided. The maximum amount is 2,000 euros .
4.Training grant
The amount of this category will be 75% of the cost of the courses received , with a limit of 3,000 euros .
The Single Unemployment Payment
The Single Unemployment Payment is also known as Unemployment Capitalization . It was approved to help start entrepreneurial projects. Its main objective is to generate self-employment and there are a series of requirements to be able to obtain this Payment:
The beneficiary must be entitled to receive at least three months of unemployment benefits.
You cannot have benefited from this aid in the previous four years .
When applying for the benefit, the activity for which payment is requested must not have started . Furthermore, said activity must start within a maximum period of one month from the date of receipt of this benefit.
The activity in question must be aimed at self-employment .
Aid for women entrepreneurs
The Women's Institute, in coordination with the Ministry of Social Services and Equality, has established several support programs for women.
Women represent only 34.5% of all self-employed workers. Businesses run by women, on the other hand, tend to be smaller in size and have a harder time accessing credit. Ironically, they are more resilient businesses.
“Rural Women Challenge” Program
It is part of the Plan for the Promotion of Rural Women 2015-2018. Its purpose is to support female entrepreneurship in the rural world, promote self-employment and business creation.