Telegram has added an option for conducting polls in public chats. Let's see what voting in Telegram groups is and how to do it yourself. We analyze step-by-step instructions for all devices. Let's get acquainted with the option and its details.
Types of voting
Conducting polls allows you to find out the opinions of subscribers, find interesting topics for posts. Also, with the help of this tool, it is easy to increase audience engagement. Users have access to three types of voting in Telegram:
— Standard. Users select one option. It is not possible to change the answer or select multiple options.
— Multiple choice. Subscribers can mark multiple items.
— Quiz. This is a survey with only one correct answer. Users answer and then find out the correct answer.
Are your Telegram channel polls getting few responses? Attract russian mobile number list new active subscribers with Hypolink ! The constructor offers a convenient multi-link service for promotion. Using the service is free after registering on the site.
How to Make a Survey with Android
The algorithm for creating a poll differs on different devices. To create a poll from Android, follow the step-by-step instructions:
— Open Telegram.
— Go to the group, channel.
- Tap on the paperclip.
— Select the desired option from the list.
— Enter the question and answers.
— Post the publication.
The results can be viewed after the first answers appear. Standard questionnaires are suitable for getting answers to specific questions: what to improve on the channel, vote for changes, change the direction of activity. Several answer options allow you to make a poll about the preferences of subscribers, identify interesting directions. Quizzes in Telegram help maintain the interest of users, develop erudition and increase engagement.
Voting in Telegram how to do it from phone and computer
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- Joined: Mon Dec 23, 2024 3:54 am