Discover the key differences between marketing and sales. Gain a clear understanding of these two vital functions for business success, and how they can work together effectively.
The business world is filled with terms and concepts that are often used interchangeably, even though each has its own meaning and specific function, such as marketing and sales. They are two pieces of the same puzzle. Marketing creates opportunities and sales capitalizes on them. While both are essential to the success of any business, it is necessary to know the approaches and key differences between marketing and sales.
On the one hand, it is necessary to understand that marketing cp numbers is the set of activities carried out to identify, attract and retain a company's potential customers . It is based on knowledge of the market and the competition, as well as on the needs and preferences of consumers.
On the other hand, sales are the set of activities carried out to close the exchange between the client and the company , that is, to get the consumer to buy the product or service offered. They focus on the direct contact established with the potential client, in person, by phone or online.
Today, these two departments work in an increasingly integrated manner in organizations. Using technological tools, they can share data and collaborate closely to achieve better results.
Difference between sales and marketing
An effective marketing strategy makes the job of salespeople easier, while strong sales contribute to the long-term success of the company. Although both areas have different orientations, they must be linked. In this sense, marketing seeks to create or awaken a need in the customer, while sales focuses on satisfying it with a product or service . Below are some other important differences between marketing and sales:
Marketing works to build a lasting relationship with the customer, generating long-term loyalty and fidelity. Sales seeks to obtain maximum profitability at the time of purchase, focusing on short-term results.
Marketing seeks to attract the customer to the product or service by generating value and differentiation. Sales, on the other hand, draws the customer closer to the product or service by means of persuasion and pressure.
Marketing seeks to reach the largest possible number of potential customers through mass media and segmentation. In contrast, sales seek to serve each potential customer in an individualized and personalized manner.
Marketing stands out for maintaining a global vision and sales have a local vision.
Marketing takes into account the company's external and internal environment, as well as general and specific objectives. Sales focuses on the product or service and the customer, without considering other factors.
Marketing uses pull strategies, while sales uses push strategies.
Marketing deals with market research, product development, pricing, advertising, public relations, digital marketing, and brand management. Sales is supported by customer prospecting, customer relationship management, negotiation, closing sales, and post-sale customer service.