So what's the point of spending so much time sorting through my contact list? You might be thinking that segmenting your customers is something for larger companies. But the truth is that every business benefits from having at least a minimum of segmentation.
Most companies spend a lot of time doing all this to achieve one thing:
If you think about it, the only thing stopping you from selling more is reaching the right person at the right time. It's much easier to sell your product to someone you know wants to buy it . At least compared to selling blindly and calling indiscriminately.
Having well-defined customer segments helps you to thai phone numbers better understand your contact list--not only for your sales process, but also to have a much more efficient company. Here are some examples of what you can achieve:
Advantage #1: Increased conversion
The main use of segmentation in companies is to improve the chances of closing a deal. If you know exactly what your contact is looking for, you can adapt your sales pitch and give them what they need.
As we've discussed in other articles, strategies like phone sales have a low chance of success in general. Most of the people you call won't be interested in listening to you... Unless you focus on calling people who are already looking for your product.
The same thing happens with email marketing . If you send emails indiscriminately, the only thing you're going to achieve is being labeled as a spammer, as well as reducing your chances of making sales to nothing. Here, the strategy is to know exactly what your contacts' preferences are, and only send those communications that you know they might be interested in. By doing this, they will not only open your emails, but they will also be much more receptive.
Advantage #2: Loyalty
Did you know that it is easier to do business with an existing customer than with a new prospect?
Another way to leverage segmentation is to get to know your contact database to sell one of your products or services to existing customers. They know how you work, and they are already used to interacting with you. If you call them or send them an email, they will surely respond.
If you also have a segmented list of all the satisfied customers in your company, it will be easy for you to generate more sales, quickly.
An example of this are the different extensions we offer here at Vendomia.