Once this document has been outlined, we move on to creating philippines business email list the Editorial Calendar, a sort of agenda where all the contents to be published and the relative publication channels are set on specific dates.
At this stage I always try to have a common thread, to give coherence to the message communicated, and to do this I rely mainly on research trends and seasonality .
The final step before writing content is keyword research , a process that helps you define the specific terms that users search for on search engines related to a given topic.
Is keyword research for a blog different from that for a website or an e-commerce?
Yes! A blog must aim to position itself for the so-called informational keywords, that is, those that imply an informative intent, aimed at obtaining information about a certain topic.

For example, “best running shoes”, to the detriment of transactional ones, i.e. those aimed at conversion (for example “running shoes”), which can be used to optimize the category pages of the relevant e-commerce.
I often see that content does not pay attention to using the correct search intent , seriously compromising the positioning results of a site.
Do you have any advice to give regarding the writing and quality of content?
Over the years, a huge amount of data has been put online.