KPIs: Discover what key performance indicators are and how to use them to guide your strategies

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KPIs: Discover what key performance indicators are and how to use them to guide your strategies

Post by Abdur11 »

KPI stands for Key Performance Indicator. These are the metrics that are most relevant to your strategy and determine whether or not you succeed.

Do you know what successful strategies have in common?

They all constantly monitor how their actions behave.

According to Content Trends 2017, 78.1% of companies that document their strategy are considered successful. In companies that do not do this documentation, this percentage falls to 25.2%.

This monitoring is what allows us to determine what is working phone number lookup philippines and what is not. Basically, it is the best way to analyze the results . But this analysis requires numbers!

These numbers are the best way to know if your results are in line with the objectives of your digital marketing strategy , and if your company is obtaining the desired ROI .

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To help you measure these results, we are going to talk about everything you need to know about the famous KPIs.

In this article you will learn:

What is KPI;
What is the difference between KPI and metric;
How to choose a good KPI;
Why Facebook Likes Are Not Good Core KPIs;
What are the types of KPI?
What is KPI?
KPI stands for Key Performance Indicator . It is a way of measuring whether an action or set of initiatives are effectively meeting the objectives proposed by the organization.

There are thousands of indicators that can be measured. We are in an era in which the flow of information is immense and constant. The key point is to know how to choose which are the best indicators to measure.

A KPI can be a number or a percentage.

For example, if you want to measure how many pages a visitor viewed on the blog you created for your company during a visit, you'll have a number (3 pages per visit, for example).

Now, the bounce rate of a page on your blog is a percentage (70%, for example).
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