GOINGUP web analytics tools

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GOINGUP web analytics tools

Post by Suraihanseo320 »

Angelfish Actual Metrics is designed to make it easy to view and understand statistics on how your visitors interact with your website. Angelfish also keeps your aggregated data within the boundaries of your network.

If your business also uses internal or external web-based applications, Angelfish will help you track user activity on these platforms. You’ll also receive data on hidden visitors – those who block analytics codes . thailand mobile database And you’ll be able to track your visitors’ click paths, allowing you to see exactly which backlinks and ads are driving the most visits.

GAUGES web analytics tools

Gauges web analytics tool has been developed using JavaScript . The user interface is easy to navigate, with an intuitive layout and categorization. The dashboard allows you to view all analytics data at once, with a clear overview of statistics.



If you're looking for a web analytics tool that includes some basic SEO tools for your site, then GoingUp is the best option for you. While it doesn't have all the features you might need for really extensive analysis, GoingUp is still a very viable option.

It allows you to track your visitors and sales, as well as your conversion rates. At the same time, all your traffic trends will be thoroughly analyzed. The report also includes a heat map so you can better understand how users interact with the elements of your pages.

MIXPANEL web analytics tools

Mixpanel is a web analytics tool with real-time updates and a focus on user engagement. The segmentation feature provides an easily understandable analytics report to understand your website data.

Mixpanel stands out for its focus on mobile metrics. Because of the detailed metrics, the web analytics tool allows you to see where your weak points are, as well as your strengths. Mixpanel is one of the few web analytics tools available that are designed to help you with mobile search and voice search .

17.- PIWIK
PIWIK web analytics tools

Piwik is an open source program, so you don't have to pay to use it. But, it is very easy to install and configure. It is also a customizable tool. If you want to add features, you just have to install the appropriate plugin .

One of the innovative features almost entirely unique to Piwik is the ability to block traffic, URLs and IP addresses. If you detect any click fraud you can prevent that user from accessing your site again.

web analytics tools WEBTRENDS ANALYTICS

Webtrends Analytics is the oldest website analytics and tracking tool. If you are on a budget, then Webtrends Analytics is not for you. It is a premium enterprise tool and due to its affiliation with Microsoft it comes with a hefty price tag.

Although you will get a truly in-depth report on advanced insights. Web marketing, mobile marketing, and social media marketing are the three most important levels of marketing that Webtrends Analytics focuses on. The visitor behavior analyses are also well presented and cover a wide range of metrics.

STATCOUNTER web analytics tools

It is a powerful and reliable web analytics tool. Analytics reports are presented on two levels. First, simple aggregated statistics about your visitors. Second, a highly detailed report.

It includes geolocation, the number of pages they navigated on your site, which page was the entry point and which was their exit point, as well as the referral that brought them to your site in the first place. If the visitor accessed your site from a SERP, StatCounter would give you information about the search query and the keywords used.

HISTATS web analytics tools

Another web analytics tool that you can integrate into your business is Histats. Unlike most other free web analytics tools, Histats allows you to retain your data for an unlimited period .

The analytics it offers include a breakdown of recent visitors, your most active visitors, popular pages, referrers, and geolocations. If your site is multilingual, Histats will even segregate statistics according to the language of your visitors.

These web analytics tools can help you improve your strategies carried out with MDirector , the digital marketing platform that allows you to control actions on multiple channels. Performing an analysis of your marketing actions is the perfect complement to make your strategies winning strategies.
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