It's always good to have a box full of solutions at your disposal for times of need and to have as many management support tools as possible. To help you with this task, we've collected best practices from the market and created a list of 7 tools to help you make decisions in your company. Check it out.
1. Research
As long as it is well done, with a clear objective and with its methodology defined based on the type of discovery to be made, research is one of the oldest, but still widely used, study methodologies for decision-making.
It can vary between in-depth research models or hypothesis testing, the most common division is between quantitative or qualitative methodologies.
The latter is used more for subjective matters, such as australia whatsapp users customer behavior, testing the impact of a campaign on the market or discovering what types of benefits a company's employees prefer as rewards.
Quantitative analysis, on the other hand, has a more direct bias and is normally focused on collecting “cold” data, such as discovering the size of your potential market, the average price of your competitors, etc.

Whether external or internal, commissioned from third parties or developed with your own resources, it is important to know how to structure it as well as respect its results.
2. Business Intelligence
Technology focused on data analysis, theBIdepends on integrated management solutions that can extract all business data and transform it into relevant information.
In this case, attention must be focused on finding the best indicators for analysis and monitoring.
Beforeextensive volumes of numbersinternal and also those coming from external sources, such as Big Data, if there is no correct identification of what is really significant for the business, there is a risk of you getting lost trying to find meaning in many variables that will not say much.
Qlik: How can Toccato solutions help?
Toccato’s Analytics platform offers comprehensive decision support tools powered by Qlik. With our capabilities, you can search and explore vast data sets and understand how they relate to each other and what impact they have on your business.
Create complete visualizations , customized dashboards and ready-made applications to answer the most important questions within the business and facilitate decision-making, analyzing the complete history of your data and understanding how it got here.
The tools work on any device and connect all your data to makemake decisions collaborativelybe an easier process within the company.
3. SWOT Matrix
This type of analysis requires a survey of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.
Old acquaintance of the people ofmarketing, this matrix can be applied at any level of the organization.
You can assess the outlook for a product or service you have offered to the market, study what types of investments need to be prioritized within a department and even discuss strategic planning for the future of the entire company.
4. Pareto Principle
Theory arising from the political context, has a logic that can be applied to any type of situation within a company.
Also known as the Factor Scarcity Principle or simply the 80-20 Rule, in a very brief and practical way, Vilvredo Pareto's reasoning leads us to understand that 80% of the consequences come from 20% of the causes.
Therefore, from a list of 100 customers or suppliers, one fifth will be responsible for moving 80% of the corresponding funds.
Likewise, four-fifths of your operating profits will come from just 20% of the products or services you offer to the market.
Still used in inventory management through the ABC Curve, which considers a proportion of 20, 30 and 50%, as a variation of its original reasoning, this technique is very useful for prioritizing efforts and investments.
5. Graphics
Widely used by most of themanagers, are still not very in-depth in their specific functions.
It is not enough to transform data from a table into a more user-friendly interface. To be able to extract the real benefits of good graphics, it is very important to know the profile of each one and when they should be adopted.
In addition to the traditional line, column, circular, bar and area models, there is one that is still little used, but that should be considered more in meetings that evaluate complex scenarios: the scatter plot.
Being able to highlight broader situations, it brings a visual intelligence that can clearly identify the impact and magnitude distortions on a matrix structure that is more in-depth than most others based on X and Y lines.
Know how to use graphs and you will have clearer answers before your eyes.
6. Diagrams
They are an excellent way to understand the dynamics of a given process.
They can be simple and intuitive, but also quite extensive and detailed. In any case, just the exercise of structuring a complete diagram of the object to be studied already provides a good understanding of the scenario.
By identifying each resource, activity and result provided, failures and lack of control situations become more obvious.
A diagram that deserves special attention as one of the most widely used decision-making tools in quality control is the Ishikawa Diagram, also known as Fishbone, Cause and Effect or 6M.
It has a great application focused on analysis and definition of corrective actions in processes.
To create a diagram in a more professional manner, there are some very practical tools on the market, but if you are not very fluent with these applications, you can try to draw everything freehand.
It may take a little longer, but the important thing is to be able to resolve your problem.
7. Flowcharts
A little different from diagrams, flowcharts are aimed at mapping and optimizing processes. All of this starts with identifying bottlenecks.
If you still don't know how, how much and where to invest in your production, commercial, or business process,logisticsor any other, try to translate this work routine into a very detailed flowchart.
For a longer production line to be analyzed, separate the phases into stages until you map the entire process. Using real numbers for each part, it will become clear where the pace slows down and it is at this point (bottleneck) that you should pay more attention.
After making some adjustments, test again and refine the procedure until you reach a level that is satisfactory to your standards.