A couple of days ago I read in the news that

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A couple of days ago I read in the news that

Post by zihadhosenjm55 »

A couple of days ago I read in the news that DANE reported that informality in Colombia has increased tremendously.

Basically, 80% of employed people are in the informal sector, which is A LOT. That is, a lot!

In other words, out of 10 people you meet on the street who are working, 8 are self-employed. They are not employed.

I won't give any more details, I'll share the news here in case you want to go deeper.


DANE is the National Administrative Department of Statistics in Colombia. In other words, they analyze trends, compile numbers, publish reports. Like the one I mentioned.
Informality refers to the number of people who work but not as employees or i vietnam email address n a formal company, but rather the opposite, informal. That is, self-employed, freelancers, early-stage entrepreneurs… and things like that.
Colombia is a very beautiful country in the north of South America, with two seas, a lot of natural wealth and a terrible president.
Informality usually occurs when an economy is declining, many jobs are lost, and people have to resort to other alternatives to earn a living.
So, in this country, besides having a lot of wealth and very talented people, we also have a terrible president and the economy is doing badly. I'm not going to go into those details either, and talking about politics is really bad.

Buuuut, buuuut, buuuut, the numbers are there and the trend is disturbing. Some would say worrying.

Now, to be honest, I don't think this trend is happening only in Colombia, although it is stronger here. The world economy is going through a difficult time.


Perhaps the subject touches you and worries you, and then you meet someone who is in the informal sector. Suddenly, that someone is you.

Or maybe you are employed but your salary is no longer enough and you have thought about starting your own business on the side.

— But Marmot, what can I do then? I'm worried about this but I don't know what to do. Should I start? — you might ask.

The short answer is: Yes.

The shortest answer is Yes. Do it as soon as possible.
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