Auckland University’s logo embodies New Zealand as a whole. The emblem has kiwis that represent NZ’s national bird. The wavy silver chief symbolizes Auckland being near the coast.
The banner below says, “Ingenio et Labore,” meaning kuwait telegram ability and hard work, the school’s motto. It works as a logo because it tells the story of where the university’s location and what kind of education they promote.
Brown Unversity Logo
Another attractive emblem is a sun atop a shield with a red cross. The red cross represents St. George’s cross, while the four books represent learning. Brown University did a good job with its yellow and red color combination. It’s striking while also being simple and eye-relaxing.
And the sun is shining through the clouds of ignorance. Lastly, the scroll below says In Deo Speramus, which means In God We Hope.
Boston University Logo
The central building of the logo tells you the city’s location from the sea. Around it is the institution’s name with the Roman numerals of its first establishment. Also, if you notice, the city’s location is inside a Methodist cross. The logo works since it traces back to the school’s roots and place.
Auckland University’s logo embodies New Zealand
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