This allows you to create content that will resonate

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This allows you to create content that will resonate

Post by sumonasumonakha.t »

With your real-life customers. THE ULTIMATE BUYER PERSONA GENERATOR 2. Relying on the Buyer’s Journey In addition to buyer personas, another key tool to develop early on in your content creation strategy is a buyer’s journey. This is a map of the steps your buyers will take from the minute they realize a problem to making a purchase decision.

During each step in the buyer’s journey, your buyer personas will have different goals that vietnam telegram number list can be addressed with different pieces of content. For example, a person who first realizes they have a problem doesn’t want to be directed to your hard sales pitch video. Conversely, a customer who is close to making a final decision on your business shouldn’t be given a blog post that addresses a general issue in your industry.

Understanding where your buyers are on their journey will ensure that the content you provide fits into their current needs and addresses the concerns that they have right as they have them. 3. Choosing the Right Format As mentioned earlier, content can take on a wide variety of formats. Everything from product videos to eBooks to emails to web pages can fall under the broad category of “content”.
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