Than practicing it. So read our list carefully and, if you’re guilty of one or more of the following mistakes, make sure to focus on correcting these issues before they get out of control. Content Marketing Fail #1: No Cohesive Strategy Many companies take the “see what sticks” approach to content marketing. They produce a bunch of varied pieces, promote them, and then see what works and what doesn’t.
Doing this can derail your momentum because there is no cohesive strategy holding the tunisia telegram database content together. But, what does that mean exactly? Having a content marketing strategy means that your content serves a specific purpose. Why are you producing these pieces? What do you hope to achieve? Generic goals don’t count, as they’re almost impossible to measure. Examples of generalized objectives can include web traffic, social media likes, or “improved sales”.
Instead, you should narrow your focus to both individual pieces and your strategy as a whole. For example, do you want to sell a particular product or service? If so, what content can you make for that item? Also, don’t be afraid to utilize multiple media sources, such as videos, blogs, infographics, and more. If each piece is centered around a specific actionable goal, you can know if your strategy is working or not.
Knowing why content marketing is so valuable is different
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